Reflux Gourmet Blog
Where we strive to bring together information, ideas, and comfort to our Reflux Gourmet community.
Your Voice is Trying to Tell You Something – Listen Up!
It may be something small and inconsequential, or it may be ominous and life threatening. The best thing you can do is listen to your voice.
Warm Maine Lobster and Roasted Sweet Potato Salad
Chef Ken Frank shares his cherished recipe for a flavorful autumn salad. Enjoy!
Reflux is Hard to Swallow
When it comes to Chronic Cough, chronic problems don’t have acute solutions. With increased fear of respiratory illnesses after the COVID pandemic, patients with chronic cough are marginalized due to the perceived threat of spreading infection.
Chronic Cough? It Doesn’t Have to Be!
When it comes to Chronic Cough, chronic problems don’t have acute solutions. With increased fear of respiratory illnesses after the COVID pandemic, patients with chronic cough are marginalized due to the perceived threat of spreading infection.
Swallowing In Africa
From lauded clinician, to cancer survivor, to stranger in a strange land – Dr. Lisa Evangalista shares the journey that taught her the world is only changed when it changes you.
Go Ahead, Have Some Tomato Sauce
Adding the right ingredients can make all the difference. Samara Kaufmann Aviv, MA, co-author of The Acid Watcher Cookbook, summarizes simple, effective methods to make favorite foods work again. “I started to wonder why dishes that contained very acidic substances, which I had eaten while “cheating” – such as hummus (lemon juice), guacamole (lime juice) and creamy tomato sauce (canned tomatoes), didn’t cause me to have symptoms.”