Reflux Gourmet Blog
Where we strive to bring together information, ideas, and comfort to our Reflux Gourmet community.
4 Types Of Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal hernia (HH) is the migration of any abdominal organ, usually the stomach, above the diaphragm into the chest. Although HH can be a major contributing factor in persons
Managing heartburn in pregnancy
It’s no secret that pregnancy is often uncomfortable. Countless women suffer from swollen feet, sore backs, nausea, and heartburn. Have you ever wondered why so many pregnant women
Top 10 Reflux Life Hacks
Are you struggling with acid reflux? Read on for our top 10 life hacks to make managing reflux symptoms easier. 1. Eat small mealsThe more food you put
Barrett’s Esophagus
Barrett’s Esophagus is a disorder where the lining (mucosa) of the esophagus is replaced by tissue that is similar to the lining of the intestine. The process of this
Confessions of a Refluxing Physician
As a physician, my patients with reflux never kept me up at night. It seemed like everyone had it (at least 1 in 5 US adults do), and
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) vs. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)
We are still learning a lot about how reflux affects individuals differently. Although everyone refluxes, not everyone experiences it in the same way. Those who experience common, telltale